
Showing posts from March, 2021

#wellbeing #thoughtoftheday a teabreak is essential and Poppodom Cafe family's Artistically Served & Culinary Creations has some healthy buffet type recipes!

The idea of a book came when I went for a coffee with a childhood friend and an artist friend in 2018.  It has been through a few revisions because I mainly use the recipes in the book! A teabreak is essential for recharging throughout the day! Stay safe and well everyone and enjoy your teabreak!   The Poppodom Cafe family blog  

Acapella verses Nathan Evans Wellerman's Sea Shanty song


Warm water and lemon or lime to start the day helps us feel good throughout the day

 I usually drink warm water and lemon or lime when I have a cold but over the years I prefer using lime. The other week, ginger was suggested and now I will try to add ginger which I would if I had a bad cold. An article I just saw says a 10 minute exercise is a good way of helping you to feel happy. I agree with that suggestion but to add, it helps to feel refreshed and rearing to tackle the day ahead! Why some people can deal with the cold (via

'YST 60 Second Physical Activity Challenges' - (short physical challenges can help with daily life challenges)

Every day we face challenges of all kinds from the moment we wake up until we go to sleep but even then there's the challenge of sleeping! Doing a short physical challenge throughout the day can help with the daily challenges we face in all directions. YST 60 Second Physical Activity Challenges via

Join a local nature conservation group and arrange to pick up litter (Pick up litter on the street - via

Keeping our neighbourhood clean and in line with our beliefs about the environment is a nice way to give back to the community this Spring especially after the first lockdown which began last March. Getting together in a group to make a street or park tidy is rewarding in itself and can help alleviate the stress we face every day! Pick up litter on the street ...   via

F.COOKE: London's oldest Pie and Mash shop


As it's British Pie Week healthy pie recipes for lunch? Sounds good! (Healthy pie recipes via the BBC Good Food website)

Pie and mash with mushy peas, is one of my favourite lunches and a school friend took me to a traditional Pie and Mash shop which is still there today! I remember seeing the eels for the jellied eels dish on the stove and I had to look away. It's a healthy dish and if you can stomach jellied eels, you'll be a 'bill' of health! For healthy pie recipes you can visit the BBC Good Food website for the recipes Healthy Pie recipes

Spring outdoor events and activities are a good way of dealing with stress (March events via

It's still lockdown and most events are online but as it's getting warmer and things will be returning to some sort of normality towards mid summer, the website may have events that are gradually returning to pre-March 2020 but we still have to be aware of the distance regulations and wearing face masks. Stay safe and well everyone and here's hoping for a nicer summer than last year! March events - (check the website for events details)