Wednesday 7 June 2017

Summer changes

(c) nature thoughts nw

Summer Changes

My mind wonders over the leaves
in directions the wind blows,
in one direction then the opposite,
flushing sharp points across the
way, my mind wonders this way
and that.  Never stopping for a moment's breath
never, no, forever wondering this way and that.

My mind ponders over the way 
the leaves gather, still.  Until
the wind brushes them into any direction,
this and that, no way there but
everywhere here.  My mind wonders,
it ponders well.  Deep into my inner mind,
Until I understand the nature of summer, 
a nature I know is warm as the weather,
when it wants to be humid and pollinated,
as the bees and wind that scatter 
the seeds of life giving flowers.

(c) nature thoughts nw

Saturday 3 June 2017

Summer's beginnings

(c) nature thoughts nw

Summer's beginnings

With some water in hand,
the sun shines on blooms,
summery and bright, they stand,
as I drink my thirst away, relieved,
grateful and with a sandwich in hand.

I stand by the purple and wine patterns in nature,
A drink to summer's blossoms!
to welcome in summer's sunshine, close by, they stand,
Outstanding shades, grown for summer, to be ready then,
when we can all stare as we stand close up.
Water in hand, 

(c) nature thoughts nw

Featured post

A refreshing look at summer 2017