When it is time to take a break, take a well earned break The next task on the list can but wait It is way past the time so don't be late Be that person who goes for that well earned lunch The task won't be gone so don't have a hunch It is way too late to be eating past 2, Sit back and eat that lunch, for it is long due. Take in the flavours of the lunch that was ready At past mid day when queues lined the streets waiting for their lunch to eat, not to gulp down so take good heed (Lunch is to be eaten, digested and be the day's creed). Don't speed off with a mouthful of lunch, Sit back and eat slowly, get a drink and relax Time can wait until lunch has been eaten Be that sensible person who takes that well earned break, not beaten, (c) nature thoughts nw Inspired by the Greeting card designed by Tihara Smith of tiharasmith.com Tihara's nice message reflects the Greeting's card message too and that is Give Yourself A Break. The Museum of London has an e...