
Showing posts from June, 2021

Windrush 2021 The place we came from

The island that I know has memories  on the beach, in the imprint of steps taken one at a time. Finding a voice in poetic stance Trodding over branches that fell onto white, sunkissed sand, warm like the turn of Autumn to Spring.  I walked over these paths many times, reminiscing of days lying there, looking up into clarity. The sky responds with a bright, arched grin. The hues of blue laughing. Mindful that lunchtime approaches, a sip of iced coolsicle, crushed ice water dripping down the glass, onto the sandy beach. Smiling, my skin is scorched red and I forget the sun lotion.   Now stinging, my skin feels sore. I now it is time to go into the sea and feel reassured that summer is always around the corner. (c) nature thoughts nw          

“RUSH” A Windrush Anthem for Lambeth | Pegasus Opera Company | Composed ...
