A Carer's Role is Extremely Challenging and Carers' Week June 2019 celebrates Carers in the UK

Time to Care

Talk when you feel it is 
Laugh when you need
Cry if you feel like
For Caring is Sharing.

(c) nature thoughts nw

Caring for someone can be a challenge many will find an impossible role but the photo. above, shows an image reflected by the daylight beams, of a person reaching for the moon, where as we know, the impossible was achieved!  

On 20 July 1969,

The image in the photo, above, also suggests to me that nature always conquers come rain or sunshine, through happiness or sadness, during times of conflicts, we still see flourishing trees and plants that keep us all alive and thriving.  "Touch wood!"  (Trees are being planted as I write, and many care passionately about helping the planet's nature and wildlife species flourish, through their photographic contributions on the London Wildlife Trust site.

Gene Kelly’s ‘Singing in The Rain’ and the quote (below) come to mind:

Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass..
It’s about learning to..
Dance in the Rain.

(Source: quotesgram.com)

For haven't we been through those deeply troubled times when we felt so agitated and frustrated about something bothering us that we  wanted to "scream and shout and let it all out"?

It is essential that Carers discuss and share their experiences with others to 'let it all out', the pent up feelings of stress and frustrations of having to deal with tricky moments they often face being a Carer.

Being a Carer also comes with responsibilities that others take for granted!

  1. An understanding attitude to be patient and kind to their charge
  2. Thorough observation - so being aware of what is happening around them and their charge
  3. Flexibility to go where their charge wants to go, even if not on the planned route (an outing trip for instance)
  4. Adaptability - being prepared to walk further than planned or take a different mode of transport and manage the physical and mental stress that goes with taking someone on an outing, for instance.
  5. Going that extra mile and a half to help their charge feel a little better about their day 
Organisations like Carers UK are the bastion of the work Carers do, which is time consuming!

During Carers' Week  the nation celebrates the "achievements Carers have accomplished in dedicating time and effort to looking after someone!  All kudos to the much-appreciated and valued work they do; the unending requests and errands made; the countless times they have to be 'kept on the lookout' for any possible situation that could lead to complications, it is vital that 'learning to dance' in the rain is a prerequisite to caring for others.

Come along to one of my events and share your experiences as a Carer!

A look back at events this Carers' Week:

Venue: Sainsbury's Merton cafe, Collier's Wood, SW19 1DD

Wednesday, 12 June 2019 bet 1pm - 2pm
Friday, 14 June 2019    bet   1pm - 2pm


Time to Care

Talk when you feel it is 
Laugh when you need
Cry if you feel like
For Caring is Sharing.

(c) nature thoughts nw
