Prince Charles steers clear of using teabags because they contain plastic and jokes his gut will have to be 're-engineered' because so much is in our food -

(Article by Colin Fernandez and Phoebe Weston for the Daily Mail)

  • He spoke at Polymateria, a company that has created biodegradable plastic
  • Plastic is used to heat-seal teabags while Charles says is 'very worrying'
  • But his own Duchy Organic teabags are made with plastic, Waitrose say

Plastic or polypropylene is used to heat-seal teabags. 

For some this may come as a surprise and it was in 2017, Mike Armitage a gardener from Wrexham, discovered that the white residue left behind when used teabags were piled on a compost heap.  Following his campaign, tea-makers PG Tips and Yorkshire Tea 'switched away' from using plastic.

I would have discovered the same findings if I was composting vegetables and fruits as I'd put used tea bags on the compost heap but PG Tips and Yorkshire Tea!!!  Two of the most well known brands of Breakfast teas!

Some frequently asked questions about PG Tips (

How do I make the perfect cup of tea?
1. Use fresh water from the tap as boiling water more than once reduces its oxygen level.
2. Pour the boiling hot water over the teabag which has a unique shape and allows the tea leaves to move around the bag, letting the flavour flood out.
3. Allow the tea to brew for approx. 2-3 minutes, then squeeze the teabag for a stronger brew.
4. Add milk and sugar to taste. 
5. If you prefer dairy alternatives – try PG tips special Perfect with Dairy-Free blend which complements the taste.

What are the benefits of drinking tea?
1. Low calorie content and helps with our daily fluid intake.
2. Drinking tea is a welcomed guilt-free drink - only 14 calories even with semi-skimmed milk is added.
3. It contributes to our daily fluid intake and fends off dehydration.
4. It's a good way to unwind and catch up over a cuppa!

How to make iced tea?

Here’s recipe for iced tea. Feel free to mix it up a little to suit your own taste!
You will need…
  • 4 PG tips pyramid® tea bags
  • A slice of fresh lemon
  • A generous sprig of fresh mint leaves
  • Honey
  • 500ml boiling water
  • 500ml cold water
  • Ice
Start by letting your tea bags brew in the boiled water for two to three minutes, and then take out the tea bags.
Allow the tea to cool.
Next, pour the yummy tea into a jug and add in as much Honey, Lemon and Mint as tickles your taste buds! Add cold water to the mixture and pop the jug in the fridge.
Once the mixture is lovely and chilled, serve the tea in a glass with ice and garnish as you wish. All that’s left is to enjoy!
Iced tea recipe via

How Yorkshire Tea aims to inject 'modernity and enthusiasm' in the flagging black tea sector. (
The 130 year-old brand is hoping to breathe new life in to the declining black tea marketplace and reposition the drink as a product to be celebrating and enjoyed rather than "put in a cupboard and forgotten about".

                                                                                                        Yorkshire Tea
How to make a proper brew                    via

1. Run the tap a little so the water is nicely aerated.
2. Boil only once to keep the oxygen level up.  Oxygen in water helps give the brew flavour,
3. Pop a tea bag into your cup.  Pour over the water and stir briefly.
4. Give it 4-5 minutes to unlock its flavour.
5. Before removing the tea bag, gently squidge it against the side of the cup once.  Otherwise it will taste bitter
6. "Customise your brew. We like a splash of semi-skimmed or whole milk, but your brew is unique to you - so add milk, sugar, honey, lemon or nothing at all.  Most importantly, enjoy!"

Yorkshire Tea


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