Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Crossing Divides: Do you live in a social bubble? - bbc.co.uk

Via bbc.co.uk

Are your friends just like you, or do opposites attract in your world? (bbc.co.uk)

Are you stuck in a social bubble, or do your friends all have different backgrounds and outlooks from you? (bbc.co.uk)

"The research shows that people like to remain optimistic, they like to feel they are diverse and tolerant," says Ipsos Mori's Glenn Gottfried, who oversaw the fieldwork.
"It is a very positive finding, even if... we may not do as much as we think we should to escape the 'social bubble' we live in."

Social bubble via dreamstime.com

3 ways to break out of your social media bubble by Straith Schreder via blog.mozilla.org
1. Get to know your digital neighbours, IRL
2. Keep a balanced (media) diet
3. Scroll through someone else's feed
At Social Bubble Bath IRL Podcast Veronica Belmont looks at how social media can create, break and filter bubbles.
Veronica Belmont: Imagine everything in your line of sight is preselected, that you're living in a box that blocks out whatever doesn't fit with your own identity. Online, we call that a filter bubble, and generally, we think it's a bad thing to be trapped in one.  When you're in a filter bubble, you can miss out on seeing the perspective of others. (irlpodcast.org)

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