Uncle Sam Wants You to Help Save the Planet (and poem)
Photo credit: https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/EltonSherwin/what-should-a-college-student-do-about-global-warming-sherwin-at-ndnu-compressed
Poem: There was this time
There was this time
I wrote of a line
of some thoughts
that raced through
my mind,
during my studies.
It was of an observation
like any other
and I sent it in verse form
to a poetry outlet
and entered competitions
as a motivation.
Soon I started a blog
that was followed by some
I knew from MySpace
which was nice
but also brought
some along whose
intent was to be bothersome.
It happens and will continue
to exist
like an extensive list
that insists
on being a pessimist.
(c) nature thoughts nw
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