Support Street Link in helping those who sleep rough and other causes to help the environment

What #Brexit highlights is what I thought was already at the forefront of people's minds and that is:

The streets and transport are  overcrowded  (yet well maintained despite the millions of commuters who use the transport system regularly).

Many sleep rough on the high streets, some even resorting to begging in spite of church help.  (And) churches really help the sick and needy on a daily basis.  They go above and beyond their support for the community.  They don't need to be available to assist those who never attend church service or hear the requests of those in hospital.  Yet they are there supporting the commubity regardless of their heavy workload. Many church members do so much it's become a vocation.

Local councils maintain the plants and trees that we see in public areas and streets; bins are constantly filled with rubbish and emptied or bacteria spreads; streets are swept regularly or the litter accumulates.

As we know, trees and plants are important for nature and wildlife to thrive in the city and to help with producing oxygen to make the air breathable.

Public transport runs on time or TFL refunds the fare back to the Oyster card on a given journey.

Most of us take all these public services for granted and never give anything back to society.

Just like listening to music or a musical, we show our appreciation by going to a concert and the musician/s can only perform if the concert tickets are being bought. If nobody contributes to the general upkeep of a city, it gets neglected and unsafe.

Some are ardent (and commendable) supporters of good causes like those against animal cruelty and the unnecessary use of excessive plastic bags which are bad for the environment.

It was through award winning radio stations like LBC that advertised (yesterday) the organisation Street Link that encourages everyone to let them know of anyone they see sleeping rough.
