Re: Local Guide Daniel Ngo on his best tips for sharing great photos and reviews

Re: Local Guide Daniel Ngo on his best tips for sharing great photos and reviews

My best tips in reviewing a place are:

1. Start locally and with a place you've been going to for years. That way you start off on familiar grounds and will normally 'rave' about the place, right? 

2. Look at the place from a business perspective. I have been making soaps since 2008. 

3. It's not worth giving a business or place 1 or 2 Stars.

If you really don't like the place, don't review it because it could cause a lot of damages to a business or place that went through 'hell' and headaches to build up. 

Or let the owner know what you think before writing a review which will have a negative impact on the business or place.  Then return a few months later to see if your suggestions were implemented. If not, then it's entirely up to you what you do.

Still, I'd find another place to review as I have always said in life, 'if you don't like something, don't do it or don't keep reading that blog'.

It's about building a community up not tearing it down. Which is why I say, start locally because you'll realise what a thriving community feels like. 

Extremely rewarding.

4. Don't forget owners take their business very very seriously and if you want to feel part of a community you'll appreciate the need to want that business to make improvements and thrive!

5. Be yourself. Do what you think is best for you but be fair!
