
Showing posts from October, 2018

A Festive Season of world foods

I never really thought about this topic but a friend said to me today, 'Do you have 2 different celebrations?' I nodded but said, 'I have chicken for my Christmas dinner'. The Scottish fruit cake which is like the Dutch Christmas cake, a little duck, if I can get some before 23 December and a soup I find refreshing, called Tong Yuen, which my step father made well. And I continued, 'Some miss out on world foods by forgetting' their cultural backgrounds and 'miss out on the amazing food' each culture has. Then I had more time to think about it and said, 'But now the main foods we have in the UK are noodles, fried rice, curry dishes and pizzas. It's no longer just fish and chips!' Photos to follow. Photo via The soup can be either savoury or sweet and either is equally nice. Pronounced 'tong yuen'.

A Cleaner City makes shopping a nicer experience

Yesterday I read a post on our Guides community forum about how #Google local guides are making the world a better place and the campaigns some guides have started, like, schooling etc. Being a Nature conservationist, I started my first post on the forum yesterday on my interest in seeing #natureinthecity and a #cleanercity which I emailed the Mayor's office about 4 - 5 months ago when I did a survey on #cleanerair in the city. Many many Congrats to the #LondonMayor and his office in the noticeable changes in London with more parks being better maintained and in the streets looking cleaner and more environmentally conscious. #cleanercity #natureinthecity 

Cleaner and a more natural City

Cleaner and a more natural City : Following a post by a Googler,  about the changes local guides are making in the world.   Many many Congrats!!   Being a Nature conservationist, I have been taking photographs of the natural world and posting them on my blogger site since 2006.   I am delighted that the Google system picked up on my...

Festive 2018 Dinner choice

It's difficult to know what to get for a small festive feast but the cheapest way to celebrate the festive holidays is by getting pre-cooked preparations. Top of my list is chicken. It's not as dry as turkey yet turkey makes a change. Or a nut roast. Whilst deciding what to prepare or get pre-cooked, a nice cup of coffee helps. Nothing is simple  about the  festive choices. What counts  is price. Where matters too. Do you  toss a  coin. Heads. Otherwise a run down  the road. Roast. Chestnuts and a jacket  potato.  Fries. With a sweet corn and cheese. On Christmas Day. (c) nature thoughts nwith #APOEMADAY

Re: Local Guide Daniel Ngo on his best tips for sharing great photos and reviews

Re: Local Guide Daniel Ngo on his best tips for sharing great photos and reviews My best tips in reviewing a place are: 1. Start locally and with a place you've been going to for years. That way you start off on familiar grounds and will normally 'rave' about the place, right?  2. Look at the place from a business perspective. I have been making soaps since 2008.  3 . It's not worth giving a business or place 1 or 2 Stars. If you really don't like the place, don't review it because it could cause a lot of damages to a business or place that went through 'hell' and headaches to build up.  Or let the owner know what you think before writing a review which will have a negative impact on the business or place.  Then return a few months later to see if your suggestions were implemented. If not, then it's entirely up to you what you do. Still, I'd find another place to review as I have always said in life, 'if you don't like...

Nature's side

Nature is light in the dark. Hark! And again near the Christmas mark. Second sighting that nature is a spark! (C ) nature thoughts nw

Autumn quote

(Seen at an underground station)