A Winter's Day
(c) nature thoughts nw
I'm in Spring
in January.
Warm greens and flowers
in the frost of mid winter,
reminds me of a cool climate
that changes
Doesn't change
to a day
in Spring.
The cool wind snaps like
a branch on a cold day,
icicles cascade over frozen puddles
crunching beneath
gripped soles.
The sun
shines as
it does in Spring.
The wind is present in the
sharp Wintery air
gliding through layers of clothing
and sends cold signals
throughout my entire being.
(c) nature thoughts nw

I'm in Spring
in January.
Warm greens and flowers
in the frost of mid winter,
reminds me of a cool climate
that changes
Doesn't change
to a day
in Spring.
The cool wind snaps like
a branch on a cold day,
icicles cascade over frozen puddles
crunching beneath
gripped soles.
The sun
shines as
it does in Spring.
The wind is present in the
sharp Wintery air
gliding through layers of clothing
and sends cold signals
throughout my entire being.
(c) nature thoughts nw
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