Feed me Not
NPS Photo Russel Smith
Feed me Not
Feed me not. However much I plead.
My apparel is pleasing. My charm,
Endearing. But Feed me not, I'm
No domiciled creature. Feed
me Not. Is Rocky Mountain's plea.
My apparel is pleasing. My charm,
Endearing. But Feed me not, I'm
No domiciled creature. Feed
me Not. Is Rocky Mountain's plea.
Rocky's my home,
where in the wild, I collect
nuts, Rocky seeds, fruits
and others, bucket loads, of,
And I just am playful, so full of
charm. Feed me Not.
I mean no Harm.
where in the wild, I collect
nuts, Rocky seeds, fruits
and others, bucket loads, of,
And I just am playful, so full of
charm. Feed me Not.
I mean no Harm.
Grass galore, fungi everywhere,
Anthropods I care to have,
any time of day.
Feed me Not, I have food
wherever I choose to stay.
Even frogs, worms and eggs
are on the menu, I crave, so
Feed me
Not, any time of the day.
Anthropods I care to have,
any time of day.
Feed me Not, I have food
wherever I choose to stay.
Even frogs, worms and eggs
are on the menu, I crave, so
Feed me
Not, any time of the day.
Chipmunk's forced Notice, needless to say.
(c) nature thoughts nw
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