
Showing posts from May, 2018

Les Graniers - by the beach

‘They may call me a sinner but I am peace with myself’ - Brigitte Bardot, St Tropez. #LesGraniers — Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) May 31, 2018 Nothing, but tranquil thoughts Gain my peace in a glass. Seeing a passing ship on calm waters. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) May 31, 2018

October 2007 poem (25)

7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose Time is the Most Important thing You Own Why Time Management is Important 20 Productive Ways to Use Your Free Time Spark Notes: Paradise Lost

Our top 5 Italian film sets - A Luxury Travel Blog

Our top 5 Italian film sets - A Luxury Travel Blog — A Luxury Travel Blog (@luxury__travel) 28 May 2018

Nurses are extraordinary - a vocation and a Calling

There's nothing 'ordinary' about any nurse. — Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) 28 May 2018 Nurses are extraordinary. Working long hours in dire conditions, not obligatory. Always considering others endlessly. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 31 May 2018

Quote by Thich Nhat Hanh via Mindfulness Wellness

Our enemy is not the other person. Our enemy is the violence, ignorance, and injustice in us & in the other person. When we are armed with compassion, we fight not against other people, but against the tendency to invade, to dominate, and to exploit. - Thich Nhat Hanh #MindBody — Mindfulness Wellness (@HealingMB) 30 May 2018

CBS New York =-Lunchtime Zen and October 2007 poem

#APoemADay We are passers by in this fountain of life that ebbs away, like a thief in the night. Revealed - the Meaning of Life Albert Einstein's Surprising Thoughts on the Meaning of Life Monty Python's The Meaning of Life 42: The Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything “Things don't have purposes, as if the universe were a machine, where every part has a useful function. What's the function of a galaxy? I don't know if our life has a purpose and I don't see that it matters. What does matter is that we're a part. Like a thread in a cloth or a grass-blade in a field. It is and we are. What we do is like wind blowing on the grass.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin , The Lathe of Heaven via:

Hotspur Way

Bem-vindo Brasil 🇧🇷 The first guests of our brand new player accommodation Lodge settle in before beginning @FIFAWorldCup preparations at Hotspur Way. — Tottenham Hotspur (@SpursOfficial) 28 May 2018 Hotspur Way, Lodge that says nature's path is Spur's way, In greenery that marvels the efforts in appreciative revels. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 29 May 2018

October 2007 poem (24)

7 Tricks to Help You Remember Anything How to Memorise Quotes for an English Exam (literary) Tricks to Remember the Planets Remember Synonyms, Remember Antonyms 20 Unique Ways to Remember a Lost Love One Ways to Remember Someone Special

The seabed, sojourns in my head for days

Oh, #PygmySeahorse ....where are you...? Pygmy seahorses blend in perfectly with the fan coral they choose to call home. Often, once they've found their specific fan coral, they will spend the rest of their lives attached to it. #scubadiverlife #divingeveryday — Oceans5dive (@Oceans5Dive) 28 May 2018 The seabed, the mystery that never solves thoughts that pervade my head. Sometimes sojourning for days. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 28 May 2018

The sea captivates and holds me there forever

Italy. Photo by Giuseppe Chironi. — Best Earth Pics (@BestEarthPix) 28 May 2018 From this height, I know why the sea captivates and holds me there, forever. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 28 May 2018

The breakfast that nearly went

Morning all . I turned my back on him for 3 minutes and nearly lost my breakfast — James Martin (@jamesmartinchef) 27 May 2018 'You canNOT be serious!' My breakfast nearly gone? Where did you espy it? Need I go on? You saw and nearly took, the breakfast I had painstakingly cooked. 3 minutes and had I not looked, you would have have gobbled and I would've shook. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 28 May 2018

October 2007 poem (23)

     Sleep Disorders (How to Get a Good Night's Sleep) Sleeping Tips and Tricks How Much Sleep Do We Really Need? How to Sleep Better Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep

Congratulations to Liverpool FC for their fine performance

via: Well one thing is for sure that @piersmorgan and I are no good at forecasting scores. I hope the Liverpool goalie is transfered to Arsenal — Lord Sugar (@Lord_Sugar) 26 May 2018 #Congrats to @LFC for their efforts not in vain, They take the long road and learns from the enduring strain. What we see is a strong team of comrades. Fear not, #LFC #YNWA again. Pog ma thorn is the name of the game. #APoemADay @Lord_Sugar @piersmorgan — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 27 May 2018

October 2007 (22)

            9 Surprising Reasons You Are Always Hungry Fad Fasting Diet Might Actually Cause Diabetes Add These 10 Hunger-Satiating Ingredients to Your Oatmeal to Stay Full Until Lunch 20 Cheap Ways to Jazz Up Plain Water and Stay Hydrated This Summer 30 Dishes You Can Easily Cook in Bulk

The World Through One Eye by Dave Nathan

A True Story by Dave Nathan: The World Through One Eye A true story about how one person lived through a stroke and is now sharing his experience with an audience who he wishes to gain some valuable insight into how he survived it.

Clean Air Audit

The @MayorofLondon Clean Air Audit has been commissioned to help protect our children’s health. We are already making can too. #cleanair #breathe — St Stephens C of E (@StStephensCofE) 25 May 2018 The #air we #breathe is our essential life line. Take this away & we'll not b fine. Improvements r seen & readily agreed Now we can easily bike up t/hill at a really steady speed. #ThankYou @MayorofLondon this is what we In London earnestly need. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 26 May 2018

Fine #YNWA Fine

How are you feeling? Gifs only #LFC — fivetimesclub (@fivetimesclub) 26 May 2018 Fine. #YNWA Fine. The challenge is near. The team is rearing to win. Let's Cheer! Winners at heart and Champions on the field. Beckham tells Zidane, Go! Let's Liverpool, we'll beat. The heat is on. Liverpool are the Champi-ONS! #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 26 May 2018 — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 26 May 2018

October 2007 poem (21)

14 Fun Things to Do on a Rainy Day 10 Things to Do to Improve Your Life Today in History and Birthday Interesting Facts of the Day 194 Funny and Interesting Facts

Le Touquet sculpture and poem

In Le Touquet this sculpture is made 100% from the sand off the beach — Lord Sugar (@Lord_Sugar) May 20, 2018 ,br> Sand. Sculpted. Chiselled, as the mind seeks to engrave a form that does not enslave a Sahara of dusty thoughts. Jammed. Jousting. Mirrored. #MentalHealthAwarnessWeek #mentalhealth #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) May 21, 2018

Indonesia's Go-Jek and poem

Indonesia’s Go-Jek gears up for Southeast Asia expansion to rival Grab — The Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) 24 May 2018 Thoughts race across my mind, like a motorist in green, waiting at the other end. Saying, 'now look this way, before the turning'. The way I saw it was across a threshold of flickering emotions. Speeding and none gave way. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) 24 May 2018

October 2007 poems (20)

A Truly Unimaginable List of Hobbies and Interests World's Largest List of Hobbies +20 Best Examples of Hobbies & Interests to put on a Resume (5 Tips) 3 Ways to Write About your Hobbies & Interests  Later Life - Hobbies & Interests

Llandudno - Wales

Well we got the weather in Llandudno. Mum and Dad used to take us here when we were little. I’d forgotten how beautiful this part of the Coast is. Wow and see you soon I hope #wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 — Gary Barlow (@GaryBarlow) May 23, 2018 Remember the summer when t/ heat made us perspire? We submerged in glasses of iced drinks as we cooled in t/shades, and the sun grew hotter in reams. Didn't we aspire? to the night glade when t/sun became《 fierce. And the moon shone in our face. #APoemADay — A Naturespath (@a_naturespath) May 23, 2018

September 2007 poems (19)

Birds and Wildlife About Eagles Kites, Hawks and Eagles - Wildlife Guide about Birds of Prey The Countrylife Guide to all of the UK's raptors BBC Nature - Tips for identifying UK's birds of prey

September 2007 poems (18)

16 Benefits of Playing Sports The Top Mental Benefits of Sports The Benefits of Participating in Sports - Teens BBC - Get Inspired May Fixtures on Sky Sports

September 2007 poems (17)

Dream Moods - A to Z Dream Dictionary Dreams - Why We Dream, Lucid Dreaming, Nightmares, Common Dreams and more Dreams Dictionary: Meaning of Dreams Dream Interpretations Dictionary of Dreams: Interpretations and Meaning of Dreams