
Showing posts from November, 2017

Leaves pave the Autumn path

(c) nature thoughts NW Hop scotch,  between the Autumn shapes  stretch in between winter's rage. The leaves,  shapes and leveraged against. Crops heaped, Before me I sway. (c) nature thoughts NW 

Autumn Sun

What springs to mind, are clear skies of blue, what wouldn't have sprung to mind, is an autumn of sunshine that reminds me, Spring turns to summer and glows, in hue. (c) nature thoughts nw

I meant

A quiver. The branch lines. Outlines in burnt wood silently. Poses amber Ochre. Oranges, lemon Lime. Shaded tones score the Sky. The tree models a pattern Outlined. Sombre, persimmon Rustles. Autumn slips by Unnoticeable. (c) nature thoughts nw A quiver. The branch lines. Outlines in burnt wood silently. Poses amber Ochre. Oranges, lemon Lime. Shaded tones score the Sky. The tree models a pattern Outlined. Sombre, persimmon Rustles. Autumn slios by Unnoticeable. (c) nature thoughts nw Shared publicly Add a comment... no plus ones no shares

Christmas is near again

Thank you ABC NY