Saturday, 22 July 2017



The fresh summer's
cool, brushed breeze,
carries with it rivulets
in the gush, that soon trickles,
easily, in the clear water, that
gurgles, then gushes as the
rocks waver in the rush brushing
the fresh water strings of micro sword, anubius nana, ensconced in a cluster of hornworts, and cryptocorynes and moss.
The brook gushes as would a blushing novice.

(c) nature thoughts nw

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Summer in the heat

Summer in the heat

The sunlight brightens my mind
with hopes that it'll last til September
when that comes, I'll not forget,
it did cross my mind to wait til then.

(c) nature thoughts nw

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A refreshing look at summer 2017